Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sub/Urban Justice Meeting 9/2/10


S/J Ballot Initiative Tactic: Registration and Pledges at Colleges

We met to choose a tactic for the Sub/Urban Justice internal action this fall for the ballot initiative campaign. After considering our goals and listing pros and cons for each possible tactic, we agreed that our tactic will be to register and get pledges from college students in collaboration with YouthForce. We will focus on Roxbury Community College and UMass Boston, because they are funded by the state, and we can talk to the students about our shared interest in state funding for public education. See the attachd doc to read more about the process.

Possible Press Conference with Mayor Menino, other officials and YMORE
In addition, Mayor Menino is likely to agree to stand with us publicly against the ballot initiative. In that case, we are likely to work with YMORE to reach out to elected officials from Newton, Brookline and Cambridge for a press conference with us to speak out against question 3.

Full Notes

Present: Cheyenne, Chris, Cora, Eddie, Emmett, Kiersten, Nina

Our Vision

That question 3 on the ballot will fail.
That the youth in Massachusetts will gain power in the political arena.

Our Goals (we may not reach all of these with our action, but we should try for most)

1. We get __ number of people to vote no on question 3 who otherwise would not have
Strategies include:
Make sure that folks who will vote, vote no
Register more people who would vote no
Make sure the no votes turn out to the polls
2. We build power for youth and youth interests through publicity.
3. We increase publicity for S/J (helps with funders, new teen recruits)
4. We build power with public officials as S/J (helps with future campaigns)
5. We build relationships with teens (build our base)
6. We strengthen our relationship to the rest of YMORE

Possible Tactics (Actions) for S/J

Gathering pledges in low-income areas (esp. Allston/Brighton)
***Registration at colleges (because it would build a relationship with Youthforce)
Gathering pledges in Brookline and Newton
Internal action (e.g. reaching out to our parents, schools)
Phoning the Boston Mobe network to get pledges

TO DO for Campaign: College Registration

Choose schools?
Deadline/timeline research (October 12?)
BAASIC training coordination
Develop education materials
Decide who wants to do what
Fliers, handouts, pledge cards
Groups we want to work with
College groups, phenom
Reach out to colleges
Recruit volunteers
Research if it’s happening and where (MassVote)
Training for volunteers
Research on the schools
Develop a message
Figure out how to slip in info about S/J
How can they connect
Talk to YouthForce
Take pictures
Press strategy
Follow up with calls

Research on colleges and outreach to college groups
Education (include presentation, and fliers)