Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ballot Initiative fall campaign

In the last few days of SJS, we started thinking about the fall. Several groups met and created tentative goals.

General Goal: To recruit more people

Specific Goals: 1. To get 15 new teens involved and build relationships with them. 2. To build organizational relationships within YMORE and maybe other groups.

Possible Tactics: 1. Article in school newspapers to get students involved. 2. Have a party with several organizations.

Targets: 1. Young adults at state and community colleges who are uninformed or undecided about the ballot initiative. 2. People who are not registered to vote, esp. low income families and young adults.

Goals: 1. Register x number of voters, 2. Gather x number of pledge cards.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Map of our Campaign

For the SJS 2010 ballot initiative campaign, there are three sub-campaigns around people that have power 1. Potential voters (esp, those not yet registered) who would vote "no", 2. Mayor Menino of Boston, 3. The Media. Here is the campaign plan for each:

1. Potential "No" Voters
Target: Potential "No" Voters
Goal: To register 160 new voters, and 160 pledges committing to a "no" vote on the ballot initiative. In other words, there will be 10 new voters and 10 pledges for everyone in SJS.
Tactic: To make posters, register voters and solicit pledge card signatures in neighborhoods with low rates of voter registration and where most people would vote "no" on the ballot initiative.
Message: Vote for more opportunities, vote for stronger communities, vote no on question 3.

2. Mayor Menino
Target: Mayor Menino
Goal: Mayor Menino will speak publicly against Question 3.
Tactic: Writing a letter to Mayor Menino asking him to take a public stance against question 3.
Message: You are just one voter, but by speaking up, you can influence thousands.

3. Media
Target: The public, particularly in Brookline, Cambridge, Roxbury and Dorchester.
Goal: To educate 100 people about question 3.
Tactic: Writing letters to the editor for papers in Brookline, Roxbury and elsewhere. Distributing pamphlets.
Message: Protecting public protection is a priority.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ballot Initiative Language

The language and summary of the ballot initiative is linked to from here. See "The 3% Sales Tax Relief Act."